Ali Wyne

Ali Wyne

Ali Wyne is a senior analyst at Eurasia Group focusing on US-China relations and great-power competition. In his book, America's Great-Power Opportunity: Revitalizing U.S. Foreign Policy to Meet the Challenges of Strategic Competition, Ali offers the first detailed critique of great-power competition as a foreign policy framework. He posits that China and Russia are significantly more able and willing to challenge U.S. national interests and the prevailing order than they were at the end of the Cold War. He offers the following: The United States should not analogize today’s geopolitical environment too closely to the 1930s or the Cold War.  China and Russia’s oft-touted reputations for strategic vision are overstated. Though China now occupies a more central position in the global economy than it did prior to the onset of the pandemic, its strategic prospects are more challenged. With its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has reenergized NATO, reinvigorated transatlantic ties, induced a significant recalibration of German foreign policy, made itself more beholden to China, and curtailed its access to capital markets and technological inputs.  America’s core challenge—and opportunity—is to formulate a foreign policy that can endure no matter what steps China, Russia, or any other competitor takes.

Felix Dodds

Felix Dodds

Dr. Alynna J. Lyon

Dr. Alynna J. Lyon