Dr. Thomas G. Weiss

Dr. Thomas G. Weiss

Dr. Thomas G. Weiss is a distinguished scholar of international relations and global governance with special expertise in the politics of the United Nations. Since 1998 he has been Presidential Professor at The Graduate Center, CUNY (The City University of New York), and is Director Emeritus of the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies.  A recent book is “Would the World Be Better Without the UN?"  Spoiler alert on page 190: even with its limitations the world is far better off with the UN to help deal with enormous problems such as climate change, diseases, human rights, refugees and human trafficking, as a few examples. Ukraine is a challenge that shows how the UN Security Council is partially paralyzed due to the Russian veto of major resolutions. Meanwhile, other UN agencies are on the ground in dangerous areas of Ukraine to help over 5-million refugees, provide food assistance, develop maternal and child health programs and keep nuclear reactors from melting down, just to mention a few.  Also, UN agencies also help move aircraft, ships, mail and weather information worldwide.

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Dr. James M. Van Nostrand

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Felix Dodds