John Seager
John Seager, President and CEO of Population Connection, describes how his organization provides education, advocacy and small loans to assist people in voluntarily achieving their family planning goals. Rather than think about a total population, we need to think about how we want to live, how we want others to live, and the resources required for our lifestyles. A population of 2- billion, rather than 8 billion, would be more sustainable. Best practices in family planning have three key elements that vary in composition and impact: education for women and girls; access to a full range of reproductive services and changing social dynamics so that women are key to any family planning activities Studies show that the GDP may decline as population drops, but the per capita GDP will rise. The Social Security crunch could be alleviated by raising the earnings cap. The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and UN population conferences are critical to help educate and inform people about family planning services.