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Dr. Peter Layton

Dr. Peter Layton

Dr. Peter Layton is a Visiting Fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University, Brisbane Australia; a Royal United Services Institute Associate Fellow; London and a Fellow of the Australian Security Leaders Climate Group Canberra. He has extensive aviation and defense experience. His research interests include grand strategy, national security policies particularly relating to middle powers, defence force structure concepts and the impacts of emerging technology. He is the author of the book “Grand Strategy” and co-author of “Warfare in the Robotic Age.” Advances in robotics are profoundly reshaping the world but so are any other things and not all of them are technological. The character of warfare will be different in the robotic age but the nature of warfare remains Clausewitzian, that is war is waged for political objectives. Robots may be considered as machines able to perform four basic tasks: sense, think, act and communicate.

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Dr. Dale C. Copeland

Dr. Dale C. Copeland

Jonathan Granoff

Jonathan Granoff