Izumi Nakamitsu

Izumi Nakamitsu

Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu is the United Nations Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs. The Office for Disarmament Affairs (ODA) was established to work with and support United Nations member states to negotiate the peaceful uses of weapons of mass destruction to small arms. Currently, nine countries have nuclear weapons.  The risk of accidental or purposeful use of nuclear weapons is the highest it has been since the Korean War. The UN is striving to provide incentives to reduce the nuclear stockpiles, especially since nuclear weapons could destroy life on the planet. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is a cornerstone to encourage non-nuclear states to use technology for peaceful purposes and the nuclear powers to reduce their stockpiles. The policy of No First Use has been under discussion for years. In order to reduce the potential nuclear risks, it is critical to involve women and youth in the decision-making process to help solve these thorny problems.

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