Philip Lymbery

Philip Lymbery

Philip Lymbery is Chief Executive of a leading international farm animal welfare organization called Compassion in World Farming. He was appointed an ambassadorial “Champion” for the United Nations Food Systems Summit in 2021. His most recent book is: “Sixty Harvests Left: How to Reach a Nature-Friendly Future.” Compassion in World Farming strives to reduce the inhumane treatment of animals who are removed from the land and put in factory farms that utilize overcrowded crates or feedlots.  These animals no longer contribute to rejuvenating the soils. If the current depletion continues, it is quite probable that the world will have only 60 more harvests until the soil can no longer provide basic food supplies. Humans can choose to eat more plants, less meat and dairy, and use non-factory farm sources, pasture fed animals, regenerative and organic agriculture.    The recent UN Environmental Conference focused on methane impacts from farming, and the heat, drought and flooding impacts of extreme weather on agriculture.  

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Izumi Nakamitsu